It’s all in the presentation

“Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
Coco Chanel, French designer

A great way to start 2014: on New Year’s Day, I had lunch with my husband’s parents and his brother’s family. At an elbow-room-only diner in central New Jersey, I complimented my sister-in-law on her outfit. Call me morbid, but her fluffy black scarf with silver skulls on it made such a cool design. And so stylish.

Today I received a package in the mail. Not just some boring, stiff cardboard box, but a powder blue padded envelope with pink and red flowers splashed all over it. Inside was my very own scarf from her, unexpectedly styled to my taste: flouncy sheer pink with tiny gold skulls.


Delicate. And dangerous.

It’s all in the presentation.

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